
Vitamins You Need To Take During Pregnancy

For a pregnant woman to fully satisfy her need for vitamins and other nutrients, she will have to eat 24 hours a day. Since this is impossible, doctors recommend taking a dietary supplement. Which ones are the most important?

Dr. Halina


During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences a double load. If the woman doesn't take special care of her nutrition, it may lead to negative consequences for her health or the baby’s health. When it comes to nutrition, sufficiency, thoroughness, and diversity are the three most important factors for a soon-to-be mother to consider.

The list of essential vitamins for each woman is individual and should be formed together with a doctor based on lab test results. This article will tell you about the supplements that expectant mothers usually need. The complete list of vitamins and minerals that should be monitored during pregnancy, how they fit one another, and what affects their levels you will learn in the special section for expectant mothers.

Folic acid and other vitamins of B group

The United Kingdom National Health Service recommends that pregnant women need at least 400 mg of folic acid per day. Folic acid supplements are especially important for those who were taking birth control pills before becoming pregnant. Folic acid helps prevent the fetus's birth defects, especially those that impact the brain and spinal cord. Additionally, intake of B group vitamins during pregnancy decreases the risk of delivering a baby with a mental disability.


Calcium is needed for developing natural immunity as well as for a baby's bones and teeth. It is worth noting that our own body actively accumulates this element only during the first 20 years of life and needs additional sources afterward. If a woman doesn't provide a sufficient calcium supply during pregnancy, her bone density can decrease to a critical level with very low chances to restore it after childbirth.


During pregnancy, a woman's need for iron increases almost twofold, from 18 up to 27 mg per day. The volume of women's blood doubles and the iron is also needed by the fetus. Additionally, iron helps our body develop red blood cells that provide the baby with the oxygen required for its development. If you are pregnant, you should control your level of iron. If your iron level drops below its normal value, ask your doctor to prescribe relevant food additives.


Omega-3 fatty acids are needed not only during pregnancy — but also help maintain your blood vessels and play an important role in supporting the health of the cardiovascular system. It is essential to include foodstuffs rich in unsaturated fatty acids in your diet and take Omega-3 supplements when planning for pregnancy as well as during childbearing and lactation.

Shall we treat pregnancy as a disease?

Even though pregnancy is a natural process, it is still a very serious challenge for a woman's body. For this reason, a soon-to-be mother should use all opportunities to improve her physical condition and increase the resources of her body both for a future baby and for herself.

Keep in mind that self-prescribing vitamins can be dangerous. You should first consult with your physician, who will advise on optimal dosage and prescribe specific supplements after running necessary tests.

23 March 2021

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