
Giving Birth After 40: Pros and Cons

Until recently, a woman who gave birth after the age of 26 or so was considered old. However, today many women decide to have children in their 30s, or even after the age of 40. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a late pregnancy after age 40?

Dr. Helena


Biological clock vs technology

Nature has limited the woman's ability to procreate — with age, the number of follicles decreases, and at some point inevitably comes menopause. However, a women’s fertility today is influenced not only by her biological age but also by innovative reproductive technologies, her lifestyle, and a careful approach to her health.

Risks of pregnancy after age 40

Despite advanced medical technology after 40 years of age, the risk of miscarriage and chromosomal changes increases by 30–35 %. That's why it is very important to have all routine examinations including ===screenings at 11 and 20 weeks, and fetal control at 24, 28, and 30 weeks.

Aging mothers are also at high risk of placental problems, as the vascular wall becomes weaker and the blood flow is impaired. Risk factors include the fact that women by the age of 40 sometimes have chronic diseases — and pregnancy can cause chronic disease.

Despite all of this, a woman’s age alone is not enough to determine that the pregnancy is risky. For example, in the U.S. the program for calculating the risk of pregnancy called PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) takes into account all possible factors including lifestyle and health of the woman, her level of income, whether the pregnancy is wanted, etc.

What are the benefits?

The course of pregnancy is influenced not only by the physiological state of the woman but also psychological. And this is no less important. The positive aspects of late pregnancy include situations in which the woman is mentally, emotionally, and financially ready to have a baby. Sometimes pregnancy at 35 or even 40 years of age is easier than in some younger women.

To give birth or not?

There is no accurate answer to the question of whether or not it's too late to give birth after 40. The answer depends on the individual characteristics of each woman and her health. Of course, the older the expectant mother, the more responsible she needs to be to prevent all possible risks during pregnancy. When this is the case, the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby are very high.

14 September 2021

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