
10 Top Most Essential Vitamins for Your Skin

When we hear about skincare, we are used to thinking of crèmes and lotions. However, we forget that our skin is the largest body organ. So, it should be cared for from the outside as well as the inside. Here is the list of the most essential vitamins for your skin.

Dr. Anastasia


Vitamin А (retinol)

What is it good for? It protects your skin from adverse environmental effects, makes it more elastic, works as a moisturizer, and prevents peeling and wrinkling.

Symptoms of the deficiency: wrinkles near the eyes (crow's feet), dry and peeling skin.

Where to look for it: beets, onions, carrots, apricots, liver, egg yolks, fish oil, butter.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

What is it good for? It improves the metabolism of facial epithelial cells and enhances cellular respiration.

Symptoms of deficiency: cracked lips, seizures, dermatitis.

Where to look for it: eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish, cocoa, almonds, yeast.

Vitamin B7 (biotin)

What is it good for? It stimulates the regeneration of cells.

Symptoms of deficiency: skin becomes unnaturally pale and peels off, eyebrows and eyelashes become sparse.

Where to look for it: egg yolks, liver, black bread, walnuts, legumes.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

What is it good for? It is responsible for skin turgor, which is the skin's elasticity and density.

Symptoms of deficiency: the skin looks dull and grey, hair starts falling out.

Where to look for it: whole wheat flour, legumes, greens, liver (animal protein).

Vitamin С

What is it good for? It enhances the functioning of hormones responsible for the production of collagen and strengthening collagen fiber. It also strengthens blood vessels.

Symptoms of deficiency: the skin becomes dull and loose with vascular patterns, freckles, and black dots.

Where to look for it: bell peppers, lettuce, and spinach, black currant, sauerkraut, rose hips, and citrus fruits.

Vitamin D

What is it good for? It increases collagen synthesis in cells, keeping the skin healthy, smooth, and of healthy color.

Symptoms of deficiency: dry skin.

Where to look for it: sea fish, egg yolks, dairy products, liver (pork, beef, chicken), vegetable oils.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

What is it good for? It makes the skin smooth, elastic, and wrinkle-free.

Symptoms of deficiency: rough and dry skin.

Where to look for it: wheat germs, sunflower, cottonseed, and soybean oil.

Vitamin Р (rutin)

What is it good for? It improves blood vessels, preventing their fragility.

Symptoms of deficiency: the appearance of a higher number of vascular patterns, proneness to bruises.

Where to look for it: plums, black rowanberry, grapes, cherries, raspberries, rose hips, bell peppers, garlic, tomatoes, sorrel, green tea.

Vitamin РР (niacin)

What is it good for? It boosts skin's enzyme production and improves cell respiration.

Symptoms of deficiency: pale and dry skin, bluish lips.

Where to look for it: eggs, fish, milk, chicken, cheese, peanuts, wheat germ.

Vitamin K

What is it good for? It enhances the regeneration of skin and improves blood circulation.

Symptoms of deficiency: skin pigmentation, swellings, inflammations.

Where to look for it: tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, greens, carrots, rowan berries.

In theory, you can take good care of your skin by having a proper diet. However, it is difficult to actually do this. Therefore, it is advisable to take vitamins as supplements. Ideally, vitamins should be advised by a medical professional.

23 March 2021

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