

Since the ability to order labs online, around 2011, I discovered that my DHEAS level was markedly low, it runs between 55 and 70.. my TSH is normal, and other hormones of the adrenal system are normal. Would anyone have any thoughts about this abnormality?Normal for my age is 100 to 250

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• 3 y.

Thank you for anyone who can help me with this question.

Marta Ornament
• 3 y.

Hello! Please attach the digitized results of the analyzes so that they can answer you in more detail. To do this, please click on the text of the post, you will be able to edit it. In this mode, click on the Paperclip icon at the bottom left of the screen. Select the desired analysis and save by clicking on the arrow icon in the lower right corner.

MD Suzanna
• 3 y.
Медицинский консультант

Hello! Low DHEAS has no clinical significance. DHEAS in men does not need to be assessed if other indicators are normal.

• 2 y.

Even though DHEAS is considered “The master hormone in the brain”