
10 Beliefs About Asthma

Even though bronchial asthma has been around for a while, there are still many myths and misconceptions around it. Let’s look at some widely held beliefs.

Dr. Anastasia


Asthma is incurable

Indeed, asthma does not disappear without a trace. However, it can be successfully kept under control with the right course of treatment.

Asthma is a childhood disease

Bronchial asthma usually develops in the first years of life. With treatment, the disease may go into a long remission stage, but it does not disappear entirely. This generally happens during the period of active growth of the child (3–7 years) or in adolescence during hormonal restructuring. Mild forms of asthma go into long-term remission, while moderate and severe patients continue to suffer in adulthood.

Asthma is an allergy

In childhood, asthma is more often allergic. However, allergies are not always related to asthma.

Asthma can be triggered by acute respiratory infections and bronchitis

Colds and viral diseases are not the cause of asthma, but they can activate a "sleeping" disease that already exists in the body.

A person with asthma is limited

With bronchial asthma, you can lead an ordinary life, but always carry an inhaler and avoid activities that provoke attacks.

The weather affects asthmatics' well-being

Many asthmatic people don't tolerate humid, cold, or windy weather well. When leaving a warm room for cold air, cold bronchospasm may occur.

Asthma medications are addictive

A person with asthma will likely use an inhaler for life — not because it is addicting but because there is no other way to be prepared for a possible attack. When treatment is successful and leads to sustained remission, inhaler use can be halted for several months. But if asthma attacks return, the dose of the drug must be increased accordingly.

Asthma can be treated with hormones

Hormonal drugs are the most effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma. In severe cases, they are necessary to stabilize the patient's condition. Modern inhalers with these medications have virtually no complications and are safe.

Inhaled glucocorticosteroid (ICS) therapy is currently considered to be the most progressive treatment. ICS acts locally, so it does not affect hormonal status. Treatment is often supplemented with non-hormonal agents with the active ingredient salmeterol. A combination of these two groups of drugs is considered the most effective.

Asthma is a hereditary disease

This is true. If close relatives suffer from bronchial asthma, the likelihood that the disease will be passed on to the next generation is high.

Asthma should be treated only if symptoms are present

Bronchial asthma therapy involves treatment not only in the acute moments but also during remission. Baseline anti-allergic therapy between attacks aims to prevent further exacerbations. Doctors prescribe the optimal treatment plan for each patient. For the remission period to last as long as possible, doctors’ recommendations should be strictly followed.

01 December 2021

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