
Bags Under Eyes: Causes and Solutions

As we age, the tissues around the eyes tend to weaken, including some of the muscles that support the eyelids. Bags under the eyes are thought to be a cosmetic issue. However, they often indicate serious illnesses.

Dr. Ely

General practitioner

The cause of bags can be swelling, which is excess fluid accumulation in the space under the eyes. Several factors can lead to this, including:

Improper nutrition

A common cause for water retention is the abuse of salty foods. This is one of the factors that can affect the skin appearance under the eyes. The second is an excess fluid intake, especially in the evening. Also, fluid retention can be caused by alcohol consumption.


Many people have an allergy and don't realize it. Try an antihistamine. Make sure you consult your doctor if the swelling is persistent, painful, itchy, or red.


Contacts can also sometimes irritate your eyes and cause fluid build-up. Let your eyes breathe from time to time.

Menstrual cycle

Hormonal changes in a woman's body (at the end of the monthly cycle) can lead to eye bags.

Other health problems

Many serious health problems can cause puffiness. It is important to check with your doctor and make sure the bags under your eyes are not associated with these:

  • An urine analysis is recommended to rule out kidney disease.
  • It is important to make sure that the thyroid gland function is not impaired (go through the thyroid hormone check-up).
  • A test to check for sinus dysfunction.

These conditions cause inflammation, which can manifest as swelling under the eyes. Treating the underlying condition is the first step to removing bags under the eyes.

Cosmetic solution

Many people confuse edema — which is an accumulation of adipose tissue under the skin of the lower eyelids — with the hernia. In fact, this is a completely different problem that requires special treatment. Your cosmetologist or plastic surgeon will suggest a solution for you.

23 March 2021

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