
10 Unhealthy Habits Everyone Has

Most people know that smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor diet are harmful to health. However, unhealthy habits are not always so obvious. Here are 10 unhealthy habits that almost everyone is guilty of!

Dr. Irene

pediatrician, otolaryngologist, phoniatrician

1. Frequent use of in-the-ear headphones can cause gradual hearing loss, which can become permanent by the age of 40.

2. The habit of "snacking" threatens the depletion function of the pancreas and the development of diabetes mellitus as well as contributes to the imbalance of the intestinal microbiota.

3. Constant work at the computer and lack of physical activity cause hypodynamia, which contributes to the development of various pathological processes.

4. Lack of outdoor exercise causes a lack of vitamin D, bad mood, and grumpiness. You can never get enough fresh air and sunlight to satisfy your body’s needs.

5. Insufficient dental care can be caused by poor hygiene, low-calcium diets, the habit of crunching seeds and nuts, using teeth as a tool (openers, nippers, etc.). This leads to teeth damage, incorrect chewing, and, as a result, bad digestion. This also leads to toothaches, aesthetic imperfections, and expensive visits to the dentist.

6. Excessive coffee consumption leads to addiction to it, sleep disturbance, irritability, and decreased attention span.

7. Frequent consumption of fast food increases stress on the liver and entire digestive tract, provokes heartburn and leads to an increase in cholesterol levels.

8. Incorrect physical exercise can put stress on the joints and spine. When choosing a sports club and exercise, discuss with a specialist—particularly if you have health problems—to find out what exercises and workload suits you best.

9. Frequent stress that we can’t "work out" leads to multiple spasms and disruption of blood supply to organs, including the heart, brain, and liver. This provokes serious diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

10. Bad thoughts and feelings create a favorable background for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, according to the theory of vibrations. Good thoughts and a kind attitude towards others contribute to the cleansing of the body and recovery.

23 March 2021

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