
How Low Testosterone Affects a Man’s Health

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men's health. Low testosterone levels have many negative consequences, not only on sex life but also on overall health.

Dr. Oxana


Lack of energy

Constant fatigue and lack of energy are common effects of low testosterone. This symptom can have many other causes, from lack of sleep and depression to anemia and other diseases.

Problems with sleep

Insomnia and poor quality of sleep for men are often a consequence of falling testosterone levels.

Decreased sex drive

In most cases, low libido and erectile dysfunction are associated with hormonal imbalance. However, testosterone is rarely the only cause of erectile dysfunction. Typically, it is a combination of several factors, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes, excess weight, and alcohol abuse.

Deterioration of memory and attention

Testosterone also affects cognitive abilities. A man may experience problems with concentration, attention, and forgetfulness. Generally, this occurs when there is a significant deviation of testosterone from the norm.

Mood swings

Bad moods, irritability, and depression are typical for men with testosterone deficiency.

Loss of muscle mass

Testosterone is involved in muscle building. When it is deficient, muscle mass and strength decrease. On the other hand, regular exercise and working out different muscle groups help increase testosterone levels.

Weight gain

Low testosterone causes not only muscle loss but also weight gain. This is especially true if you change training and diet due to a lack of energy and not feeling well. Instead of calories being used to build muscle, they turn into fat. Additionally the more fat in the body, the lower the testosterone.

Less body hair

If you notice that you have less hair on your face, pubis, arms, and shins, this is a clear sign of low testosterone. However, hair loss on the head usually indicates high levels of this hormone.

Reduced bone density

Low testosterone is a risk factor for osteoporosis. That is why the older a man is, the more fragile his bones are.

The normal level of total testosterone in men aged 18-50 is 8.64-29 nmol/l.

What should you do if you have symptoms?

If you suspect signs of low testosterone, the first thing to do is to get tested and see a specialist who will determine the cause of the problem. Treatment will depend on related diseases and other factors that caused the decline in testosterone. In addition to taking medications that increase hormone levels, doctors recommend the following lifestyle changes:

  • Sleeping at least 7 hours a day
  • Exercising regularly
  • Giving up smoking, alcohol, and steroid supplements
  • Avoiding fatty, smoked, fried foods and sweets in your diet
  • Regular consumption of fresh sea fish, algae, seafood, and products rich in zinc and selenium all contribute to testosterone production.

24 July 2023

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