
6 Non-Obvious Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Sharp pain in the sternum, choking, panic, and confusion: these heart attack signs are difficult to miss. However, the first bells often go off months before a heart attack, and people just write them off as extraneous causes. What heart attack symptoms should you pay attention to?

Dr. Halina


Heaviness in the chest

This feeling is described as tightness or a feeling of weight on the heart. This condition is often attributed to stress, emotional stress, or fatigue. In reality, it may be a harbinger of a heart attack. If the heaviness in your chest lasts for more than one hour, call an ambulance. Do not delay in seeing a cardiologist for any prolonged pains.

Unexplained nausea

A sign of heart failure may be vomiting spasms that are not associated with poisoning and occur "out of the blue" without a pronounced pattern such as before a meal, during, after, on an empty stomach, or after a sip of water.

The spasms may be slight or strong, up to the onset of vomiting — in other words, a person is slightly dizzy almost all the time. Although this sounds like gastritis or other GI problems, it may be a sign of an impending heart attack. Nausea for no reason is much more common in women than in men.

Abnormally low blood pressure

Low blood pressure may be common in a person and alone is not a sign of any pathology, but it is cause for alarm if your numbers have become markedly lower than usual. When the heart weakens it pumps blood less intensively, which is characteristic of a slowly developing heart attack. Acute weakness, recurrent dizziness and coordination issues (such as feeling like the room is spinning) are all reasons to urgently consult a doctor.

Increased sweating

This is more common in men with heart issues than in women. If you have noticed the appearance of sweating not in connection with intensive physical activity or heat, check the heart. If you are suddenly seized by chills accompanied by cold sweats, it is likely that an attack is developing right now, and you need to call an ambulance right away.

Red phlegm when coughing

Damage to the walls of blood vessels and backflow of blood into the lungs can lead to the phlegm of a red shade. This is dangerous and requires a doctor's consultation, especially if the cough is not accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of an acute respiratory infection.

Pain in the left lower jaw or left ear

Patients often complain of jaw, tooth, or ear pain and are surprised to discover that the underlying cause is a heart issue. Inflammatory processes in the joints, teeth, or ear are differentiated from infarction by a wavelike pain, which worsens and subsides at intervals of 20–30 minutes.

15 November 2021

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