
How to Grow a Giant

The child’s development is intriguing for parents, and many want to plan in advance and if possible help the baby to grow tall. Is it possible to influence a child’s growth, or can genetics not be argued with?

Dr. Nadja


Forecast for the future

The most famous formula for predicting human growth looks like this:

Mother's height (cm) + father's height (cm) / 2 + 6.4 cm for a boy (or - 6.4 cm for a girl).

This will be the approximate height of the child in adulthood. It is approximate as other factors besides heredity affect height.

A study published in eLife magazine in 2016 showed that the tallest men in the world come from the Netherlands and the tallest women come from Latvia.

What height depends on

Although height is 80 % dependent on genes, a child can become much taller than their parents and other relatives. The following can help increase height:

Complete nutrition. Nutritionists recommend that children and teenagers follow a varied, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. This ensures they get all the vitamins and minerals they need for development. The most important nutrients are: protein, calcium, and vitamins A and D. A deficiency of these in childhood has a detrimental effect on growth. Additionally, the mother's diet during pregnancy impacts the child's growth.

Generally, boys reach their maximum height in late adolescence, while girls reach it around the middle of adolescence. Thus, diet is crucial until after puberty.

Adequate amount of sleep. Sleep promotes growth and development in children and adolescents. During deep sleep, the body produces hormones necessary for growth. Lack of sleep over a long period interferes with growth, causes health problems, and impairs a child's ability to focus and learn.

Physical activity. Regular exercise keeps bones and muscle tissues healthy. Playing outdoors or doing sports can make bones healthier, denser, and stronger.

Hormonal status. Growth is affected by growth, thyroid, and sex hormones including testosterone and estrogen. Children who develop hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones) or impaired pituitary function may be below average height compared to their parents.

In rare cases, hormonal disorders can contribute to excessive height.

How can you help your child become taller?

If a thyroid or growth hormone deficiency is detected, timely medication can help. It is important to remember that it is impossible to correct the situation after puberty.

Stimulating the child's growth can be taught from childhood to physical activity.

Emphasis should be placed on stretching exercises and activities, such as yoga, stretching, Pilates, and gymnastics in combination with stretching. Volleyball will also help - in addition to the fact that the child will be interested in playing, he or she will stretch while jumping. Swimming is another excellent option for the harmonious development of the body. Finally, hanging on a bar can help the child stretch, lengthen the spine and strengthen muscles.

04 July 2024

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